Team Honduras is already growing a little sad, knowing that our week here is drawing to a close. We are going to miss these kids terribly. You cannot walk past any part of the campus while the children are out of school without being mobbed or hearing your name called dozens of times. It is truly a place where you are known and wanted every minute of the day.
Last night, we had the children who are sponsored by various team members in our team home for dinner of hearty chicken soup, cornbread and rice. For dessert, Neal Starling figured out how to make an ice cream machine work, and we had ice cream. One girl shared it was the second time in her life that she had tasted that treat.
Our physical project of laying a new sewer line for three boys houses is nearly complete and we should finish today.
Our days start early here, this morning at 6:15 today for “Big Circle” The kids gather in front of their homes every morning for small circle, where they stand in a circle, sing a few songs and have a devotional. Some of those have been given by team members. Friday is a day when all 485 kids gather in one large circle for a devotional. This morning, Linsey Wisdom will give giving the devotional from Luke.
Like all the team members, Linsey has stepped up to the many challenges here and allowed her gifts to blossom. This remarkable team has served these children and Hillside well, in ways that would make every church member proud.
--Christopher Quinn
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